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"The Art of the Sword"

Unlike other 'sports-based' modern sword-fighting techniques, kenjutsu's lineage is directly from Japan's Muromachi era, where the martial art was developed to train nobility and the samurai in the art of the sword.

At the dojo, students can learn the art of the sword through training with Bokken.

The Bokken is possibly the only Okinawan weapon that does not have an origin as a farming implement.

The study of this weapon is closely linked with that of kenjutsu, but the bokken itself is a development of bojutsu (the art of the bo).

In modern times, training focuses on basic techniques (kihon) both with and without a partner, kata, and sparring carefully supervised by a Sensei.

Training times can be found in our class listings. Don't hesitate to call with any enquiries.


The Bokken

The wooden sword or Bokken (bo, “wood”, and ken, “sword”) is traditionally made of a native evergreen White Oak (Shiro Kashi). Modern inexpensive versions also use an asian Red Oak.

Miyamoto Musashi, a legendary kenjutsu master, was infamous for fighting fully armed foes , himself armed only with bokken. He defeated several master

swordsman in this way, including Sasaki

Kojiro who was using a deadly Nodachi

great sword. It is recorded that Musashi

slew him with a bokken made from an oar!

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