Certificate IV in Sports (Development)
Kickstart your career with a Certificate IV in Sport (Development), recognised by the NSW Department of Education and Training.
This course can be undertaken over two years (year 10 and 11). Take Karate training in evenings and the core/stream/electives (apart from karate training) during a weekly sports day. The course can also be taken as a recognized vocational subject that goes towards your Year 12 Higher School Certificate.
The components of the Certificate IV in Sports (Development) SRS40506 include the following:
Core (145)
BSBWOR404A Develop work priorities (20)
ICAITU006C Operate computing packages (30)
SRXGCSO06A Address client needs (12)
SRXGCST05A Coordinate client service activities (18)
SRXINU003A Analyse participation patterns in specific markets of the leisure and recreation industry (20)
SRXINU004A Promote compliance with laws and legal principles (12)
SRXOGN001A Conduct projects (12)
SRXOHS002B Implement and monitor the organisation's Occupational Health and Safety policies, procedures and programs (12)
SRXRIK001A Undertake risk analysis of activities (9)

Elective (852)
SRSCGP005A Customise coaching to include children (8)
SRSCGP006A Customise coaching to include mature aged athletes (10)
SRSCGP007A Customise coaching to include athletes with a disability (10)
SRSMAR002A Collect fundamental information on the philosophy and structure of the martial arts industry (12)
SRSMAR004A Teach and develop the basic skills of martial arts (175)
SRSMAR005A Teach and develop the intermediate skills of martial arts (255)
SRSMAR012A Teach or develop the advanced level skills of martial arts (315)
SRSMAR016A Demonstrate knowledge of martial arts weaponslegislation and community safety (10)
SRSMAR019A Demonstrate the use of steel and/or live edged martial arts weapons safely (30)
SRSMAS007A Apply Trigger point techniques (15)
SRSSPT005A Conduct basic warm-up, stretching and cool-down programs (12)
Stream (141)
SRSCGP001A Operate in accord with accepted coaching practices, styles and legal and ethical responsibilities (19)
SRSCGP002A Include special interest groups or people with special needs (9.5)
SRSCGP003A Implement the fundamental principles of sports psychology (9.5)
SRSCGP004A Provide information about the fundamental principles of eating for peak performance (9.5)
SRSOGP001A Operate in accord with accepted officiating practices, styles, legal and ethical responsibilities to manage risk (19)
SRSOGP002A Apply rules and regulations to conduct games and competitions (9.5)
SRSOGP004A Apply self reflection techniques to evaluate and modify officiating performance (5)
SRSOGP005A Resolve conflict related to officiating (5)
SRSOGP006A Develop a fitness and recovery program for officials (5)
SRSSPT003A Implement sports first aid procedures and apply sports first aid (8)
SRXCAI004B Plan a session or program for participants (9.5)
SRXCAI005B Conduct a sport and recreation session for participants (9.5)
SRXCAI006B Organise a sport and recreation program (7)
SRXCAI007B Conduct a sport and recreation program (8)
SRXGRO001A Facilitate a group (4)
SRXGRO002A Deal with conflict (4)
Contact Sensei Mark Greville on 9972 3199 for enrolment details.